Felons, jobs and Deferred Adjudication
I'm currently serving 5yrs of probation for deferred adjudication (for felony case). I feel that I should contact the attorney that handled my case - because I recall my attorney saying that I either pay off my debt and be done with everything or pay while serving the whole 5 yrs of probation. I am still having a hard time finding a job. The majority of my work experience is in an office environment, with that in mind - no one will hire me! I have had tons of interviews, and I've been let down. I have some production/warehouse experience, but that's still not helping. I was told by my PO that I have the right to choose "No" when it comes to the question on any application asking "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" And, I choose "Yes" when it asks me "Have you ever been convicted and/or deferred adjudication." My background check comes up showing my felony. I'm still serving this probation until 2014, and my PO told me I have to wait until 2014 to try to remove this thing off my record. Now there was an increase in my probation fees from the original judgement. I could barely afford it much less paying more. I'm still not working. I moved back to Texas recently and started working for a small business (attorney's office) that didn't do background checks. So, I was with that office shortly while looking for another job, and then I had an excellent opportunity through an agency that paid more money, and I was guaranteed the pay rate increase and filled out the paperwork and I went through the interview. Everything went through and I was chosen for the position. And, the day I was going to start was the same day I received a call that my background disqualifies me from the job offer. I have not been convicted of any offense. I have already been to the Texas Workforce Center, and applied through them. Had more interviews, and continued to be rejected for numerous positions that I would qualify for - but it's the background check that hurts my job search. Please advise!
Thank you,
Hello Bess,
For those unfamiliar with Deferred Adjudication, in most cases, adjudication is withheld pending some other action, usually successful completion of the terms ( usually a fine and probation,) dismisses the case. If you successfully complete the terms, in most cases the charges are dismissed. When you complete the terms you will be given a document declaring the charges dismissed. In your case, the probation period is five years and that may present a problem until probation is complete. This will appear on background checks as a pending charge that sometimes will turn an employer off.
As I often suggest to ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs to consider working as a temporary employee as a way of getting a permanent job. Temporary agencies are a great way to quickly get back into the working world. Many employers use agencies to try out new employees before hiring them. Good workers are hard to find. If an employer sees that you are hard working, punctual and fit in well, he may offer the job permanently.
The key to applying for temporary jobs for ex-offenders and felons is to apply at smaller independent agencies rather than large national companies. Small independent agencies have fewer hiring restrictions than larger national companies and are free to hire anyone they feel that can help them. You can get a list of these agencies in your local phone directory.
Once your probation is finished I suggest that you apply for expungement. This may help when it comes to background checks. Since expungement is a legal process, I strongly urge you to get professional assistance.
I hope this helps.
Felons, jobs and Deferred Adjudication
Hello Bess,
For those unfamiliar with Deferred Adjudication, in most cases, adjudication is withheld pending some other action, usually successful completion of the terms ( usually a fine and probation,) dismisses the case. If you successfully complete the terms, in most cases the charges are dismissed. When you complete the terms you will be given a document declaring the charges dismissed. In your case, the probation period is five years and that may present a problem until probation is complete. This will appear on background checks as a pending charge that sometimes will turn an employer off.
As I often suggest to ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs to consider working as a temporary employee as a way of getting a permanent job. Temporary agencies are a great way to quickly get back into the working world. Many employers use agencies to try out new employees before hiring them. Good workers are hard to find. If an employer sees that you are hard working, punctual and fit in well, he may offer the job permanently.
The key to applying for temporary jobs for ex-offenders and felons is to apply at smaller independent agencies rather than large national companies. Small independent agencies have fewer hiring restrictions than larger national companies and are free to hire anyone they feel that can help them. You can get a list of these agencies in your local phone directory.
Once your probation is finished I suggest that you apply for expungement. This may help when it comes to background checks. Since expungement is a legal process, I strongly urge you to get professional assistance.
I hope this helps.