Female Felon Seeks a Job
My name is Melissa I'm from Philly I do have a criminal record. I got into some trouble when I was 18 years old and was found guilty of aggravated assault, possessing instrument of a crime, simple assault, criminal conspiracy, reckless endangering another person. I was given 11 months jail time.
I thought I needed to better my self because I knew it wasn't gonna be easy trying to find work so I went back to school when I was 26 and got my high school diploma and went to school for cosmetology and completed it also in '07. I'm 28 now single mom of 2 year old twins my question is on my record there are a lot of charges that I wasn't found guilty of and next to them it says nolle prossed. Is there any way that I can get those removed because it looks really bad with all these charges on there and I think this might be the reason why my luck hasn't been good.
Is there a program out there that has job leads only for ex-offenders if so please put me down.
Female Felon Seeks a Job
Hello Melissa,

I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. As I suggest to ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is to apply to small companies. Surely there are hundreds of small salons in Philadelphia that can use a hard-working person with a cosmetology degree. You may have to be willing to start off at the bottom, perhaps shampooing and cleaning up. It may not be what you want right away but it's a start. Pick up the phone book and start making a list of salons to visit. Have some business cards made up and leave them with salon owners advertising that you will work on an on call basis if there are no permanent positions available.
You may want to the Philadelphia Re-entry Coalition. There you will find a list of resources that can help ex-offenders and felon. You can get more information here: https://www.philadelphiareentrycoalition.org
In Pennsylvania, under some circumstances, you may be able to have a criminal record expunged, which means that information is removed from your record. If you are eligible to have your records expunged, you may petition the court for an order of expungement. I suggest seeking legal assistance from a qualified attorney. You may be able to free or low-cost help at your local legal aid office. You can get more information here:
I hope this helps
'Eric Mayo helps Felons and Ex-offenders get Jobs.
Jobs for Felons: The Facts about Companies that Hire Ex offenders and Felons (2018)
Jobs for Felons: Five Places Felons Can Find Jobs - Get a Job Quickly!
Lady Felon needs Job Search Help
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